Name: | Holistic Massage Training Institute |
Company Id: | 3998 |
Phone: | 410-243-4688 |
Address: | 2834 Loch Raven Road |
Zip Code: | 21218 |
City: | Baltimore, MD |
Www: | |
Profile: | Massage |
Our mission is to educate, challenge and inspire students through a holistic approach to massage therapy education, resulting in massage therapists of the highest caliber. At Holistic Massage Training Institute, students will benefit from a well-balanced curriculum integrating theory, technique and practical experience. Our program provides students the experience, hands-on-training and essential knowledge of what is needed to operate a successful massage practice.
We offer various Continuing Education Courses to Licensed Massage Therapist, Registered Massage Practioners, Accupunturist, Reiki Practioners. Our courses are approved by NCBTMB .